
- PADI Rescue Diver -

Be ready for an emergency situation

course duration

Teoría: trabajo personal, a tu ritmo y con los repasos en el centro de buceo.
Ejercicios y simulacros en el mar.
5 días.

What does the course include?

Material didáctico: libro Rescue Diver y libro EFR (Emergency First Response).
Alquiler del equipamiento.
Todas las Inmersiones de práctica.
Certificados PADI.


Mayor de 16 años.
Certificación como buzo avanzado.
Certificado médico de aptitud para bucear.
Disponer de Seguro de Buceo.

cuándo empezar

Entre semana por las tardes.
Fines de semana.


Más de 700 cursos PADI nos avalan. Contrate aquí su curso PADI Rescue Diver y empiece a disfrutar.


Get your PADI Rescue Diver Certification now.

The PADI Rescue Diver course prepares you, using a variety of techniques, to deal with minor and major dive emergencies.

Learn to prevent and handle problems in the water, and become more confident in your skills as a diver, knowing that you can help others if needed. During the course, you will learn to become a better buddy by practicing problem solving skills until they become second nature. Plus, the course is just fun – but serious and with great level. You will , also, learn CPR and first aid techniques.

Paso 1:


Topics include: Self rescue;Recognition and managing of stress in other divers; Emergency management and equipment;Rescuing panicked divers;Rescuing unresponsive divers.

paso 2:


You’ll use your basic scuba equipment and will need a pocket mask to practice in-water resuscitation. During exercises, you’ll work with an oxygen unit, floats, marker buoys and perhaps CPR mannequins.

paso 3:


Self-Rescue Training; Surface and underwater intervention maneuvers; Prevention and management of stress situations; Ropes, knots and rescue material. During dives, you will be trained to get the necessary skills of a PADI Rescue Diver.


A course that will make a difference in your diving life.

Throught knowledge development and rescue exercises, you learn what to look for and how to respond. During rescue scenarios, you put into practice your knowledge and skills.


Practical training is the key.

Even if you study a lot of theory, if you are not able to solve problems with the necessary skills and techniques, it will be useless.


Show your PADI Rescue Diver Card.

Your Dive Center and Diving partners will feel more confortable when Diving when they see your Rescue Diver Card.